My first post! It's about time. I feel like it has taken me forever to get my first post on here but I wanted to wait until I had some of my new calendar done and use that as my first post. I've been making calendars for a few years now and always give them as gifts. The problem that I seem to have with them is that by the time I finish the grids and the picture to go on top it is so thick and HEAVY that it takes 15 tacks and 73 feet of heavy duty rope to hang them. Kidding (but it's close lol). When cricut came out with a Designers Calendar cartridge I knew I just had to have it. I love, love, love my cricut and have never regretted a single cartridge that I've bought. If you don't have one, get one, you will never regret it. Okay, back to the calendar. The cricut cartridges that I own have allowed me to solve the problem of the thickness of the calendar. The problem of the calendars weight has also been helped by the cricut. I've also found a way to hang it that works GREAT. It's this hard plastic mat with a clipboard clip at the top and two small rings at the bottom. It's a just a little larger than a 12x12 piece of paper so it works perfectly. I can't remember where I got it or what company makes it but if anyone knows please feel free to leave a comment and let me know. I'd like another that I can use for the next gift calendar that I make. I have had such a good time making this calendar. It's not very often that I make something for myself. Most of the things I create are either given as gifts or sold a craft fairs so I'm super excited to be making something for myself. It has been so much work though. I sat down one day and made lists of all the cuts I had to make for each month. It took some time but ended up making things easier when it came time to start cutting. Alright, enough rambling here are the pictures.

This is the picture or top for the month of January. The cartridges that I used were Winter Woodlands, Everyday Paper Dolls (one of my favs.) and Paper Doll Dress Up.
Obviously this is the grid for January. for this I used only the Designers Calendar cart. I have a few more months done but I'll hold off on posting them. February is only a few weeks away (can you believe it?) So I won't have to wait long to post the next month.
Hope you've enjoyed!

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